Rambler accounts Accounts of the type mail lenta/myrambler/autorambler/ro/rambler/.ru/.ua. Paul MIX.
What is Accsclub.com?
This is a marketplace of online goods and services . The main concept of which is to gather stores providing items and services connected
to our sphere, so that everyone can find what they need at a reasonable price and from a reliable seller.
How does it work?
1.Sign up at the website
All functions will be available after registrqtion. Buy goods, write reviews, view history and do much more.
2.Top up your balance
It is easy to top up your balance, as there are many payment options available on Accsclub.com.
3.Search for necessary items
Our team has tried to make it as easy as possible to find the right item. All items are divided into categories with characteristics.
4.Buy the item you need
Watch out for popular items and promotions, as you can come across big discounts quite often.
5.Rate the store and make a review
The best way to say "thank you" to a store is to make a positive review for their owners. If your shopping experience was negative, leave a
negative review then, this will prevent other users from buying items from an unscrupulous seller.
6.We save all your purchases
If you bought items and lost the file with them, you can always view the purchased items in your account and upload them in a convenient format.
Now you know how it works
Try it!
Enjoy your shopping, and our team will do EVERYTHING to make the process comfortable and convenient.